Friday, March 2, 2007

No more Cabin Fever!!

I am taking the girls out to Jungleplayland, We will be meeting up with the parents group from Anacortes. I have been working hard this past week closing out the month. I am really excited I just added another director to my business. I am working on replacing my husbands income by the end of 2007.

So, we are celebrating on our outing today. I can't wait to see how Anna reacts to the large place. Gym Class...
Can't wait to make some new friends too!!

It's a snow day!!

I can't believe that we got 3 inches of snow today, My daughters and I watched five little chick a dees sitting in a bare tree this morning. My eight year old informed me that a chick a dee's song is " a chick adee, a chick adee, a chick adee dee dee". I really don't know much about most of the native birds around the Northwest. I can't wait to learn more about birds in our up coming science curriculum.